How Testosterone Affects Men’s Health | Volonte

How Testosterone Affects Men’s Health

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Many have heard the term “testosterone,” but few people know what it is or what it does. Testosterone helps men build muscle, deepens their voice, and contributes to their libido, but what else does testosterone do?

Testosterone plays a role in almost every system of the body, including:

  • Reproductive
  • Muscular and Skeletal
  • Endocrine
  • Central Nervous
  • Circulatory

Let’s break it down a little more. Read on to learn how testosterone affects men’s health and the role it plays in multiple systems.


What is testosterone?

Testosterone is the key hormone for the sexual and reproductive development of men. It’s circulated through the bloodstream to the male organ by signals sent from the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus.

When puberty begins, testosterone production increases—often causing the voice to lower, hair growth, and libido development. What’s less commonly known, however, is testosterone can cause more than just physical and psychological changes at puberty. It also impacts almost every system and uses them to regulate and circulate throughout the body.


Reproductive System and Sexuality

Testosterone affects men’s health almost immediately. At just seven weeks post-conception, the male organ begins to form and testosterone starts doing its part. As men develop, their body produces and regulates testosterone at a relatively low level until puberty, when production increases drastically. As puberty progresses, the male organ begins to increase its production of testosterone, and noticeable changes in behavior, attitude, and physique begin to take place. 

Along with a deepening voice and increased body hair, the male libido becomes more active with puberty. This often explains why teens and young adults become “girl crazy.” Sexual activity also has an impact on how testosterone affects men’s health. The more sexually active men are, the higher their testosterone levels will likely be. T levels will remain relatively consistent in most men until the age of 30, when levels begin to drop about one percent every year.


Muscular and Skeletal System

Testosterone is one of the many factors that play a role in muscular development and skeletal growth. Through the circulation of testosterone, the body is put in a process of building and maintaining large amounts of muscle.

It also assists the male metabolism in burning fat. As a result, men with lower levels of testosterone tend to have a larger percentage of body fat than those with normal levels. Lowered levels of testosterone can also make the male body increase its fat stores, causing conditions like gynecomastia.

Testosterone also sends signals to the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells. By creating more red blood cells, the body is sending a message to the system to increase bone density. Men with low testosterone are more prone to bone fractures or, in some cases, to lose inches from their height.


Endocrine System

As the chemical messenger for hormones, the endocrine system plays a major role in testosterone production and how testosterone affects men’s health. It consists of a group of glands that carry hormones throughout the body to help regulate sexual function, reproduction, metabolism, tissue function, growth and development, sleep, and mood.

The pituitary gland, located at the base of the brain, regulates the amount of hormones coursing through the body and sends messages to the male organ to produce testosterone. The production of testosterone increases when men hit puberty and continues to produce testosterone until it begins to decline at around age 30.


Central Nervous System

The male body has a unique way of controlling and monitoring the level of testosterone in the body at one time. The brain’s hypothalamus sends a message through the release of hormones into the bloodstream to the pituitary gland. This message tells the pituitary gland exactly how much testosterone the body needs. 

Once the message is received, it’s passed along to the male organ, where testosterone is produced. Without the help of the other systems throughout the body, the endocrine system wouldn’t be able to ensure the male body is receiving all the testosterone it needs for development.

Testosterone also can play a large role in male personalities. High levels of testosterone boost self-esteem and can lead to a competitive nature. Similar to participating in sexual activity, competing can also contribute to the rise and fall of testosterone. Men who have low testosterone often feel they have lost their competitive edge and are depressed or lethargic.


Circulatory System

The circulatory system plays a key role when it comes to regulating testosterone in the body. The bloodstream is the highway system for testosterone, allowing it to circulate. The pituitary gland in the brain tells the male sex organ to produce testosterone as needed throughout the day, and the circulatory system distributes it.

The most common procedure for monitoring testosterone levels is a simple blood test. Because testosterone uses the bloodstream as its mode of transportation around the body, a blood test is the best way to assess the quantity of testosterone being circulated and how testosterone affects men’s health. Conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease, and extra weight can affect the distribution of testosterone throughout the body, causing lower levels than normal. Fortunately, a blood test can detect any abnormal circulation.


Testosterone uses almost every system of the body to produce, regulate, and circulate throughout the body. It’s a key player in the development of the male body. 

Men living with low T levels may see changes in other body systems due to a decrease in testosterone distribution. With testosterone treatment, men often feel more energetic, gain muscle mass, lose previously hard to shed weight, have increased stamina, and see a rise in their libido.


Volonte helps people regain their health and well-being through low testosterone testing and T replacement therapy. Call Volonte today to schedule your FREE low T screening, and follow us on Facebook for more information. 

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